Niccolò Paganini Capricci n.16, 20

Eugène Ysaÿe Sonata per violino solo n.4

(2005, Savona/ Italy @Cantina Teatrale Cattivi Maestri)

Cover design by Eria Kubo


"Musica Creativa nel Giardino delle Boschine"(2008, Savona/Italy)

 Concert leaflet (2010)

Designed by Tomoko NAKAI




MEMBER’s website: 

Keisuke Teramoto Irish Harp)




began studying the violin with KAI, Norimichi  則道(violist of the NHK Symphony Orchestra/ violin and viola teacher of Suzuki Method) at the age of 4.

She majored art studies (musicology) in Meiji Gakuin University and specialized in the Music and Music Education History in Japan. In March 2014, she earned her doctor's degrees in art studies. 







  • 2012 

November  16 



N.Paganini: no.16 from 24 capricci (contributed)

  • 2010

July 25

 violin solo/as Kerdd Dant (Ookurayama Memorial Hall/Ohkurayama,Kanagawa)- w/t Keisuke Teramoto(irish harp), Mitsuhito Takano(guitar)

*this concert was held under the sponsorship of the association AMICI di PAGANINI(Genua/Italy)

 1. Ash Grove (Welsh) 2. Harp Solo 3. Da mihi manum (O'Cathain) 4. Ground (Croft) 

5. Roslin Castle (Scottish) 6. Sally Garden (Irish) 7. Danse Espagnole (Granados) 8. Guitar Solo 

9. 不良少年(武満徹)10. Violin Solo 11. Variazioni sulla Carmagnola (Paganini) 

12. The young man's dream-Londonderry air (Irish)






September 4  (Sat.)

violin, improvvisation "ultimo Downtown musicale dell'estate 2010"  (Galleria /Albissola Marina,Italy)


  • 2009


August 18-20 "MUSICA e MOVIMENTO Laboratorio per 15 musicisti, attori e danzatori" (Fortezza del Priamar Savona/Italy) Director: Dario Giovannini (musician-composer), Silvia Calderoni  (actress- performer) *Participated as a Violinist 

  • 2008

August  "Musica Creativa nel Giardino delle Boschine"(Savona/Italy)

  •  2007

November 27 - vi0lin solo CANADA FESTIVAL Banquet (Meiji Gakuin University/Minato-ku,Tokyo)  

April 15 (Sun.) as MOMOKARASU (Studs,Tokyo) 

 March as MOMOKARASU (Shinjuku JAM/Shinjuku,Tokyo)

 February as MOMOKARASU (MANDARA2/Kichijoji,Tokyo) 

  • 2006

December 29 (Fri.)-vn.solo Waraijini Life Works (Hachi/Aoyama,Tokyo)

December 24 (Sun.) as MOMOKARASU (Forth Floor/Kichijohji,Tokyo)

October 27-28 -vn.solo Waraijini Life Works (Hachi/Aoyama,Tokyo) Organized by WLW

October 27 (Fri.)-vn.solo (Church of Edmond Hotel/Korakuen,Tokyo) (closed)

  • 2005

March -Arts Hall@Meiji Gakuin University

N.Paganini Nel cor più non mi sento

  •  2004

May 31-Arts Hall@Meiji Gakuin University

All violin solo program:

F. Kreisler Recitativo und Scherzo Capriccio

N. Paganini: no.20 from 24 Capricci

N. Paganini: no.6 from 24 Capricci

E. Ysaÿe: Sonata for Violin solo no.3(Ballade) 

  •  1996

February 25 violin with Yomiuri Nippon symphony Orchestra

 -F. Mendelssohn: 1st mov. from Concerto for violin and orchestra in E-minor Op.64 





* KAI, Norimichi  (1914-2009) : 

Born in 1914, studied Violin and Viola under Akira SUZUKI** , Shoji(Gaichi) IWAFUNE*** and Shinichi SUZUKI****. He entered Teikoku Kôtô Music Academy [1939- School](Tokyo) in 1937 and became a member of the Tokyo String Orchestra which is directed by Shin’ichi SUZUKI. He graduated Teikoku Kôtô Music School in 1941. In 1945, he became a member of NHK Orchestra (National Symphony Orchestra of Japan) as a Violist and assumed Librarian there then participated the first world tour of NHK Symphony Orchestra in 1960.

He started his career as a Violin and Viola teacher when he was in Teikoku Kôtô Music Academy [School] with Shin’ichi Suzuki and Shoji Iwafune. He became a teacher of Suzuki Method in 1961 at Shin’ichi SUZUKI’s request.


**SUZUKI, Akira (1899-1961) Shin'ichi Suzuki's younger brother.Violist and Violinist. He was the Violist of The Suzuki Quartet. 


***IWAFUNE, Shoji (Gaichi) (1911-1978) Violinist. Sometimes he substituted for the 2nd violinist of The Suzuki Quartet . 


****SUZUKI, Shin’ichi (1898-1998:  Violinist. Founder of the Talent Education Research Institute, known as Suzuki Method.


To learn more about Shin’ichi Suzuki and his time in Japan, please refer to "Shin'ichi Suzuki and Talent Education-On the Formative Period and its Principle of his Philosophy" , Eria KUBO, 2014.



about Suzuki Method Ochanomizu Center School:

Established in 1972 as a branch-school of Talent Education Research Institution supported by Shufunotomo Co, Ltd. [主婦の友社] in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.



久保 絵里麻 (くぼ えりあ)



* 則道 かい のりみち

1914年新潟県出身。 ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラを鈴木章**、岩船正治(雅一)(1911-1979)*** および 鈴木鎮一(1898-1998)に師事。



**鈴木章 すずき あきら鈴木鎮一の弟。ヴァイオリニスト、ヴィオリスト。鎮一・二三雄(Vc.)・喜久雄(Vn.)ら兄弟で結成した鈴木四重奏団(鈴木カルテット)のヴィオリスト。

***岩船正治(雅一いわふね まさはる(がいち): 岩手県宮古市出身。ヴァイオリニスト。鈴木四重奏団の第二ヴァイオリンを務めることもあった。戦後は日本弦楽指導者協会(JASTA)を創設、歿年まで会長を務めた。
