Handbook of Japanese Music in the Modern Era 


Series: Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 5 Japan, Volume: 18
Edited by Henry Johnson
Published by Brill


Chapter 17 (p.286-300)

The Suzuki Method, Yamaha System, and Japanese Traditional Music: A Case Study of Japanese Music Education in the Modern Era

Author: Eria Kubo


Eria Kubo (PhD in Art Studies)

Subject of Research: Shin'ichi Suzuki as a Musician and Pedagogue, Suzuki Quartet, Masakichi Suzuki, Violin, Violin manufacture, Suzuki Method & Talent Education Movement, Early Childhood Education Boom in Japan, Teikoku Music School, String Music Education in Japan  & East Asian Countries ruled by Japanese government, String Music, 19th - 21st century


Member of: International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance(ICTMD), International Musicological Society(IMS)


久保 絵里麻 (芸術学博士)

研究対象: 鈴木鎮一, 鈴木四重奏団, 鈴木政吉, ヴァイオリン, ヴァイオリン製造, スズキ・メソード, 才能教育運動, 早(期)音楽教育, 帝国音楽学校, 帝国高等音楽学校(学院), 日本近代における(弦)音楽教育(日本統治下時代の東アジア諸国を含む), 19 - 21世紀

National Diet Library Database  近代日本刊行楽譜総合目録 洋楽編

Handbook of Japanese Music in the Modern Era
